Explore the beauty of the best orthodontic service in our dental clinic. Our renowned professionals are hereto give a perfect shape to your evergreen smile.
Our Orthodontic services provide diagnosis and treatment for dental and facial irregularities.
Orthodontic treatments aim to improve the functional aspect of a patient’s bite. We focus on correcting misaligned teeth and jaw that might lead to periodontal issues, speech difficulties, orjaw pain. The initial step of the treatment is taking an x-ray to understand the condition of the teeth. Based on the finding, the specialist designs a personalized plan and recommends braces or aligners. The patients also were retainers to prevent the teeth from displacement.
Our Orthodontic Services in Bilekahalli are a combination of dental wellness and overall well-being. After the procedure is completed, proper care of the teeth must be taken. Following expert guidance increases the efficacy of the treatment. We help patients with strategic, comprehensive, expert advice to curve a healthier and happier smile.
Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Orthodontic Services in Bilekahalli:
Orthodontists are specialists who work in the field of dentistry. They help patients overcome dental problems like spacing or placement of irregular teeth alignment. They guide patients with suggestive measures that include braces or oral appliances to overcome dental problems.
Maintainingteeth irregularities is a challenging task. Overcrowded, crooked teeth or abnormal gaps between teeth might lead to tooth decay if not treated at the right age. It would help if you visited an orthodontist to improve oral functions and enhance tooth health.
If irregular teeth are seen in a child from an early age, it is advisable to visit an orthodontist before the eruption of permanent teeth. Certain abnormalities like chewing problems, over-biting, or underbiting might also be identified in an adult. Hence, you can visit an orthodontist at any age, for ensuring proper oral care.
Orthodontists usually avoid teeth extraction. For children, it is easier because the milk teeth will fall naturally. But for adults, permanent teeth might cause complexity. Hence, the extraction of teeth becomes a necessity in some cases.
The time required for curing dental problems can be estimated after a period of time. The treatment depends upon the age and complexity of the problem. However, the procedure might take several months or 1 to 2 years.
Orthodontic treatment will be beneficial if you suffer from dental irregularities in the jaw and facial area. This service will be beneficial in correcting bite disorders, improving the positions of existing teeth, enhancing teeth and gum health, correcting protruding or irregular teeth, and ensuring the smooth functioning of your teeth. In a nutshell, the treatment will help you boost your self-confidence and positively impact your overall development.
Braces help in holding the teeth in their normal position. Braces are wires and brackets fixed on the teeth to eradicate dental problems and restore normalcy.
You can begin with physical activities like exercising, running, cycling, or engaging in any sport after wearing braces. Also, you can start playing your favorite musical instruments with ease. However, you must use a mouthguard to protect your braces and save the teeth from further injury.
You might initially feel soaring or a little sensation while wearing braces. But with time, you will get used to it and start feeling comfortable with it.
Yes, you must visit your Orthodontist at regular intervals for cleaning and routine examination.
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