Our advanced dental implants offer a transformative solution for restoring smiles. With cutting-edge technology and expert care, we provide a seamless and lasting replacement for missing teeth, enhancing both function and aesthetics.
Our team of dental specialists ensures that your teeth get a natural look even after a dental implant.
Best Dental Implants in Bilekahalli | Denta Care Dental implants are one of our most convenient and essential services. The struggle of living with missing teeth is beyond comprehension. Our advanced technological equipment has made dental implants accessible and effective. Our team of experts ensures that your teeth get a natural look even after a dental implant.
Dental implants are a surgical method through which a titanium post is placed in a jawbone. The implanted titanium post acts as a root that holds the artificial teeth. Dental implants play a significant role in providing permanent solutions for restoring missing teeth. It is a durable process that boosts your confidence by redefining your natural beauty. Our teeth implant process will help you regain your lost smile and positively affect your overall personality development.
Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants:
A dental implant is a process of fixing missing teeth through surgery. The titanium posts are embedded inside the upper or lower jaws. Thus, creating a strong base for the artificial teeth placed inside them.
Dental implant services can be availed by all who have good oral health. However, a dental specialist must be consulted before starting the process. Our dental experts will check the density of the jawbone and teeth health before beginning the process.
The duration of the process and recovery will differ based on individual teeth conditions. Also, various processes like diagnosis, placement of artificial teeth, and post-recovery period encompass the entire process. It might take a few months for the completion of the entire process.
The process of implanting will take place through surgery. With the help of our modern technologies, the surgery will be smooth. However, it might vary depending on the condition of the individual. We take preventive measures during and after the surgery to avoid painful conditions. Our specialist will use local Anaesthesia during surgery and prescribe pain-relieving medicines post-surgery.
A Dental Implant gives lifelong benefits to the person undergoing it. Visit your dental service providers regularly to ensure your artificial teeth are in the best condition.
Implanting teeth has more benefits than replacement. Implantation gives stability and a natural appearance. The person can eat, chew, speak, and laugh without hindrance.
The number can vary from one to multiple teeth. Depending upon the condition of your teeth and jawbones, the dental implant specialist takes the final decision.
It will depend on your insurance service provider. Insurance companies have different policies and healthcare schemes. You can get detailed information from our team regarding the insurance coverage policies.
Treat artificial teeth as your natural ones. Follow regular brushing and other dental hygiene. Our team of experts will give you complete guidance post after the procedure.
It is a safe process. Modern and advanced technologies ensure all safety measures. The percentage of success is also very high. We cater to the well-being and needs of our patients throughout the process.